
I developed SpringThing while in college, actually during a class on system dynamics (e.g. MDOF systems). My initial goal was to have a research platform for the study of vibrations. However, as it developed, the truly interesting aspects were really bulk motion and the flow of stress within the material, as visualized by force vectors. I've also extended it to study neural networks.

For accessibility, it was written as a Java applet. Unfortunately applets are now obsolete, but I've resurected SpringThing as a Java application free to download.

SpringThing was featured in a friend's YouTube video set to The Opening by Phillip Glass. This led to some collaboration with an advertiser.
One of the current projects I'm working on within SpringThing is implementing a flexible, adaptive neural network platform. Still a work in progress.
Quite a while ago I decided to port it to mobile, but chose J2ME because it was available on my cheap LG phone. That's a dead platform but it was fun to get it on my phone. If I do this again I'll target Android.

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